Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Alive and Kicking


I'm alive and kicking, my apologies for being away so long. So a few updates... I'm working on two new albums, one with the band, one for the solo album, after having just released another solo album. 

Let's not forget... Football season is here.

YES. So a few picks, one or two teams from every division to watch...


It's a little early for some of the teams, but this is a collection of either teams I root for or teams I think will have a good year.

Music wise- i'm going to start playing open mic nights around MD again and I have already been practicing, even as I write the next albums. I'll keep in touch.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Trying Times

Look at that freakin donkey! That wagon is completely owning him like the Giants against the Patriots in the last two Superbowls they played! Obviously he was trying really hard before his feet left the ground...

I read an article recently about the struggles of musicians trying to break into the music business and saw some interesting parellels to recommendations i've been making to friends of mine for years. Regardless of anything else, it's all about the job.

"Ya Gotta Eat." - Checker's Commercial

It's true. Want to touch the hearts and minds of people everywhere with your powerful music? Eating would be beneficial to you then. So you don't fall over and die. Besides, I really like Checker's so I figured i'd let you know how awesome their burgers are. But I digress.

That full-time job you absolutely hate, well, that's what pays the bills, lets you drive your car, and lets you listen to that cool new song from Nicholas Kade. Yes, I admit, that was shameless advertising. I would feel a little bit better about myself if you went on itunes or and bought it. I'll even provide the link for you below...

My apologies. The point is that if you want to do what you love, start looking for those little things in life that you enjoy during that job you hate. It may be nothing, but nothing can always be something. Look at musicians. We take a vaccum of space, and create a sound that you love and enjoy. We try to temper our sound to reach to your soul. If you don't think you have a soul, then just listen to the rhythm and bounce with the beat, just to humor me.

So let's think about the annoying little funny things that keep us going during those trying times where you want to start beating your co-worker Devin who keeps clucking while he taps a pen on his desk in the cubicle next to you before slurping his cup of coffee like a three year old even though you know the ass is in his late 20s early 30s. Don't think about the fact that he never wears a tie, likes to watch naughty movies on his computer and literally doesn't do any work at all while you're busy slaving away at your...

Excuse me, I'll be right back.

Before the police get here and Devin's mother comes to identify the body, I'd like to point out that I was enjoying a few moments of comedy thinking about this situation. Which, aside from the body, is actually something that has happened to me before.

So keep your chin up, you'll get there soon, make sure to clean the back of your chair from where you hit Devin in the head, and keep rolling. You're awesome. I don't care what your mother says about you.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Nicholas Kade- AYW


My apologies. The past few months have been absolutely crazy! The great news is that I had a few things happen that were really awesome!

Nicholas Kade - The Drive
As You Were - I'll Call You Back

Both of these albums were released on St. Patty's day!

As You Were is my band. It's me, Nicholas Kade vocals/rhythm guitar/piano/drums, Paul M bass, and David Van Tassell lead guitar/ukulele/drums/ vocals. We have been going crazy!!!

As You Were released its first music video, "Out of the Bottle" on Youtube just a few weeks ago, and it's already gone over 200 views without any advertising! Check it out below!

I will be releasing a new acoustic album in the next week or so, I've been working on it non-stop since the release of the earlier albums.

We're also working on my next music video, "One Final Time." I hope to have it out in the next month, and I promise to make it REALLY GOOD.

A giant thank you to Rockstar Film Company for making the music video with us!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Solo and Band Release!!!

My solo project, "The Drive" is on itunes Now!!! Check it out!

If you want to hear a rock band play music, my band, As You Were, is also out!!!

This music is independently recorded and not owned by a label. These artists did this for free and for the joy of playing music. Support the people who helped me and who i helped!


Nicholas Kade

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Business Tips from A Very Educated Firm

This has plenty of articles on business tips, managing people, and handling the day to day grind of working. Take a look at these articles if you get a chance!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Business and Music

"I don't want to work. I wanna bang on the drums all day." -Todd Rundgren

Bad news, everybody. We can't just do that. Especially in music. Writing music takes, time, as with any sort of endeavour. You have to have the right stuff when you strike that first chord, a vision, an experience, an ambition. It's got to flow, and that can take days, weeks, months. Just to write one little song. So why are we going to try to work on the business side of this? We have no time.

A few reasons why:

1. Just because you wrote a song doesn't mean anyone will hear it.
2. People connect better with you if you make a conscious effort to do the same things they do.
3. Your music is truly special. Better for a thousand people to hear one song then one person to hear a thousand songs.
4. The more that know you, the more that will.

So put an emphasis on the basics with the business. These might help you:

1. Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Blogspot, various other websites.
2. Play live. If you can't play live, youtube and other sites can help you, just get a camera and start filming.
3. Stay organized. If you clean your guitar every other day and it's immaculate, then keep all of your information for contacts, websites, and shows the same way.

Finally, enjoy your music. My dry list of things to do sucks, but better that you're hating reading this from a brand new car you bought after signing a record deal than sitting on a tricycle you've been using to get to the nearest grocery store. Good Luck!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Music Video Madness

I had a little fun with some amateur filming. This song was written on request from a friend of mine. The verses are written about conversations we had, while the chorus is a love story I know she hoped to have at one point.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

States Rights

                I got into an interesting discussion with someone recently about the effects of the Civil War in the United States.  My friend was adamant about the war being about slavery, and I disagreed with them. I wasn't arguing that slavery wasn't an issue, I was simply pointing out that the war was not started based on slavery, and that the men of the southern states weren't as evil as some people would make them to be. Here are a few pointers in understanding the reasons behind the war.

                1. Robert E. Lee, the general for the South, was originally asked to command the Army of the Potomac, on the side of the North. He refused, answering that he was a son of Virginia. He believed that states should have more control, and therefore he sided with the South.
               2. When the southern states seceded from the North, constitutionally, Abraham Lincoln could not attack them, which he did not. The South attacked and took Fort Sumter, a Federal Fort. This action sparked the war.
              3. One of the largest slave populations was located in Pennsylvania, a state on the side of the North. If the Civil War had begun on the basis of slavery, chances are Pennsylvania would have also seceded.
              4. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address was not made until several years into the war. This was the first major announcement pin pointing the issue of slavery within the country. The South collectively owned the most slaves, therefore freeing part of their population might benefit the North.
              5. Economics played a major part in the Civil War. The South, mostly plantations and farms, relied on a working force to produce their crops. The North was far more industrial, setting up factories and having the capability to mass produce weapons. Indentured servants were common in the North, often abused far worse than slaves were, due to immigration from Europe, and therefore a healthy supply of extra hands.

          My point is not to downplay the issue of slavery. What is most upsetting however is the common belief that slavery was settled by the Civil War. This was not true. Slavery continued on in other forms, mainly segregation, where the stories of Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks are so important in our history. Slavery is just as important, and we as a people did not focus on that issue until later in our history, finally making strides to stop such a terrible practice.

         The Civil War was mainly about states' rights and economics, where brothers fought each other on different sides, all over the issue of government. As often pointed out by some, South Carolina never surrendered. It was a question not of every person's rights, but of our chosen form of government. Slaves fought on both sides, some voluntarily, some ordered to do so. Remember that in the end they fought as men, and were respected by their friends and hated by their enemies the same way that we all are.

War is a terrible thing, but it is a product of who we are. Our constant aggressiveness goes hand in hand with our love and appreciation of the most delicate things. It is the power to destroy such beautiful things that makes us so terrible.

But to lose that aggression is to lose our humanity.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Economics of History

            In today's economy we are faced with fears of losing our jobs, inflation, stock market crashes, and war. These fears feed decisions we make every day with our careers, what we buy, and how we live. Over a thousand years ago, the same things were going on. We just have more electronics than the Romans.

            The world was full of anger, violence and conquest. The Romans specifically were masters of those three traits. Spanning an empire across Europe and towards the middle east, they destroyed many civilizations in an attempt to spread and preserve their own. But humanity has the ability to create and destroy everywhere. Where did the Romans go wrong?
           Romans spent most of their time taxing their provinces, pulling all of the wealth of the world back to Italy, and looking for battles where they could capture more land and more treasure. Their economy was driven on trade and conquest, mostly the latter of those two values. However, after conquest, they did not massacre every people they defeated, but instead let them live. Over time, those peoples grew again, larger than before, and the Romans could no longer afford to defend their borders.  One of the major problems was the people were no longer happy with their government. They chafed at the laws meant to guide them and hold them in place. 

             The Roman Empire collapsed, and with it the invading Germanic tribes managed to penetrate almost to the city of Rome itself. A great age was lost, and our world was plunged into darkness. 

Will that tragedy happen again?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ravens vs. Texans

It's the first quarter of a game that so many here in Baltimore have been so excited about for so long. A team that has made it to the playoffs for the fourth year running, the Ravens are ready to go. On the other end, since their recreation, the Houston Texans have only just got into the playoffs for the first time. The score is 17-3, and the Ravens are attempting to put the Texans down early. So here's to a good game and a strong finish. The Ravens are a good team, and so are the Texans. Give us your best, gentlemen, someone needs to go beat the Patriots.

Nicholas Kade

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fun with a Camera

Just for fun I decided to take a camera and make some photos. Thought they were pretty nice. I love artsy stuff.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Day- My People

New Year's Day. Time to start living more in your dreams and applying them more to reality. I wrote a song a few years ago called "My People." It doesn't apply to any specific race, but rather to everyone in the world, every one is a brother or sister, and we will all continue to rise. That is the most important part about about the song, that we can only be beaten if we never rise and rise again. As much as we all preach peace, so do we preach it with a fighting spirit. We are never at rest if we are truly at peace, there is always something new to create, something new to invent. I have heard before that pain is the best way we know we're alive. My people, come to me.