Thursday, March 22, 2012

Solo and Band Release!!!

My solo project, "The Drive" is on itunes Now!!! Check it out!

If you want to hear a rock band play music, my band, As You Were, is also out!!!

This music is independently recorded and not owned by a label. These artists did this for free and for the joy of playing music. Support the people who helped me and who i helped!


Nicholas Kade

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Business Tips from A Very Educated Firm

This has plenty of articles on business tips, managing people, and handling the day to day grind of working. Take a look at these articles if you get a chance!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Business and Music

"I don't want to work. I wanna bang on the drums all day." -Todd Rundgren

Bad news, everybody. We can't just do that. Especially in music. Writing music takes, time, as with any sort of endeavour. You have to have the right stuff when you strike that first chord, a vision, an experience, an ambition. It's got to flow, and that can take days, weeks, months. Just to write one little song. So why are we going to try to work on the business side of this? We have no time.

A few reasons why:

1. Just because you wrote a song doesn't mean anyone will hear it.
2. People connect better with you if you make a conscious effort to do the same things they do.
3. Your music is truly special. Better for a thousand people to hear one song then one person to hear a thousand songs.
4. The more that know you, the more that will.

So put an emphasis on the basics with the business. These might help you:

1. Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Blogspot, various other websites.
2. Play live. If you can't play live, youtube and other sites can help you, just get a camera and start filming.
3. Stay organized. If you clean your guitar every other day and it's immaculate, then keep all of your information for contacts, websites, and shows the same way.

Finally, enjoy your music. My dry list of things to do sucks, but better that you're hating reading this from a brand new car you bought after signing a record deal than sitting on a tricycle you've been using to get to the nearest grocery store. Good Luck!