Look at that freakin donkey! That wagon is completely owning him like the Giants against the Patriots in the last two Superbowls they played! Obviously he was trying really hard before his feet left the ground...
I read an article recently about the struggles of musicians trying to break into the music business and saw some interesting parellels to recommendations i've been making to friends of mine for years. Regardless of anything else, it's all about the job.
Ya Gotta Eat." - Checker's Commercial
It's true. Want to touch the hearts and minds of people everywhere with your powerful music? Eating would be beneficial to you then. So you don't fall over and die. Besides, I really like Checker's so I figured i'd let you know how awesome their burgers are. But I digress.
That full-time job you absolutely hate, well, that's what pays the bills, lets you drive your car, and lets you listen to that cool new song from Nicholas Kade. Yes, I admit, that was shameless advertising. I would feel a little bit better about myself if you went on itunes or Amazon.com and bought it. I'll even provide the link for you below...
My apologies. The point is that if you want to do what you love, start looking for those little things in life that you enjoy during that job you hate. It may be nothing, but nothing can always be something. Look at musicians. We take a vaccum of space, and create a sound that you love and enjoy. We try to temper our sound to reach to your soul. If you don't think you have a soul, then just listen to the rhythm and bounce with the beat, just to humor me.
So let's think about the annoying little funny things that keep us going during those trying times where you want to start beating your co-worker Devin who keeps clucking while he taps a pen on his desk in the cubicle next to you before slurping his cup of coffee like a three year old even though you know the ass is in his late 20s early 30s. Don't think about the fact that he never wears a tie, likes to watch naughty movies on his computer and literally doesn't do any work at all while you're busy slaving away at your...
Excuse me, I'll be right back.
Before the police get here and Devin's mother comes to identify the body, I'd like to point out that I was enjoying a few moments of comedy thinking about this situation. Which, aside from the body, is actually something that has happened to me before.
So keep your chin up, you'll get there soon, make sure to clean the back of your chair from where you hit Devin in the head, and keep rolling. You're awesome. I don't care what your mother says about you.